Sunday, January 18, 2009

Stuart, IA

Yesterday Jason & I headed to Stuart, IA to visit one of my best friends and a roommate from college and her husband. The roads weren't the greatest to travel on, but after the five hour drive we were excited to arrive at Austin & Mariah's house in Stuart. After hanging out for a while we headed to West Des Moines to eat and ended up at Chili's! After trying a bowling alley nearby we found out that it is a very popular thing to do on Saturday night and headed back to Stuart. After a quick tour of the town we decided to try out the local bowling alley and found out it was really nice. About half way through our second game the lights went out and Cosmic Bowling started. It took us a while to get used to, but it was a lot of fun. Our second game ended just in Austin's students started piling in after the ballgame.

We headed back to their house for some cards and Guitar Hero. A couple of their friends came over and we ended up staying up past 1:00. Okay, I fell asleep on the couch a little after midnight, but we definitely had a lot of fun and are glad we braved the wind and roads to drive down yesterday. We left this morning and got home in time to watch the end of the NFC Championship we are currently just bumming around!

Mariah & IJason waiting for his turn Austin- Cosmic Bowling


Jessi said...

Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun! Probably lots more fun than watching Jason play playstation at home.

Are you guys going to turn professional bowlers on us?!

Megan said...

I agree with Jessi...sounds like you guys are turning into pro bowlers! Oh, and tell Jason I like his bowling shoes. They are very fashionable!