Sunday, January 11, 2009

Jason's Birthday

Yesterday was Jason's birthday. I was reminded of it a couple of times when I asked him to do something for me. We spent the day at home besides running to the grocery store. Jason didn't want to go out to eat so we (he) made supper and ate at home!
Jason on the phone with one of his many phone calls of the day Jason with his cake
Jason with his birthday dinner and part of his present- all he wanted was a six pack, but got a 40 instead...Jason made a delicious supper and I set the table!
Jason blowing out his candles...I couldn't find the birthday candles so we lit two little jar candles for him to blow out to make his wish. I think the birthday candles must be in storage!
Jason got a few cards in the mail for his birthday and I got him a fleece
Trying his fleece on The birthday boy/old man
He turned 25 yesterday and is a quarter of a century old

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