Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve we partied at mom & dad's house! Mom & dad's big present this year was a Wii- I'm not sure if they have played it much, but I loved it and played tons while we were there and I hear Kyle has been practicing while he is still on Christmas break.

Anyway, that night we had some great snack food with supper and played Wii. We also played Rook for many hours- until dad & I were tired of beating mom & Jason. Then we were back in the living room to play more Wii. It is fun especially since I had a couple of days inside while everyone else was at work or outside to practice! We ended up staying up until 2:30...I think there may have been one or two in the group snoring by then, but mom & I were up bowling until then!

Jason & dad playing Wii Mom getting serious as she took on dad Jason & I playing tennis...couldn't you tell by my form?!?

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