Sunday, January 11, 2009

Pollard Christmas

The Saturday following Christmas we had the "big" Pollard Christmas for lunch at the Golf Course in Shelbina. There are just too many to have it at grandma's house anymore! We enjoyed visiting with all the family that we only see once or twice a year.

Following lunch and a few hours of visiting with the extended family we headed to Ed & Lola's house for the immediate family Pollard Christmas. We enjoyed soup & finger foods (one of my favorite parts of the holidays is snacking & munching all the time) for dinner and Chase brought over Guitar Hero for us all to try. It was lots of fun and I have to say the girls definitely did better than the boys (minus Chase). Megan & I both made it through our songs long before Jason & Justin. They actually got booed off stage they were so bad! Chase showing us all how it is doneAllison & I hanging out waiting for my turn Jason showing off his inner rock star Justin- moments before having things thrown at him and the crowd booing him off stage! Megan- proving she is better than Justin & Jason

After eating and playing guitar hero and making sure everyone who needed one had their nap we were ready to open gifts. Pollard Family Christmas 2008 Chelsey & Rhett Rhett tearing into one of his gifts Chase with a new Xbox 360 game Ed & Lola opening their calendars Jason with a framed picture of him & Blaze Leslie opening a gift Jason with the camo fleece blanket we got for the baby

After opening presents we were back to playing games and hanging out for the night. We all spent the night and had a lazy Sunday hanging out before everyone headed home.

Jason & Allison bumming aroudn on Sunday

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