Friday, December 16, 2011

Decorating the Eckler tree

I know Christmas is the same day every year, but I swear this year we must have skipped a few days somewhere.  In order to get mom's tree decorated before Christmas we had a week night gathering.  Good thing Kyle lives in MO now! :)  Mom & dad already had the tree cut down and all ready to go in the house so after supper we brought it in and got down to business. 
 Jessi & Coop hanging ornaments
 Brody & Lane playing on the ladder...I remember that is what Kale & Cooper did last year :)

 TJ putting his in just the right spot

 Jason helping the "medium" boys put a couple way up high
I didn't get a picture of the finished tree, but I'm sure I will get some at Christmas

1 comment:

Jessi said...

Love how you are so on top of things! Keep it up!!

But I am disappointed that you did not get a picture of the "tinsel master!" :)