Saturday, December 24, 2011

Getting Ready for Christmas

Wow!  It is officially Christmas Eve and we are completely ready (I think) for Christmas.  We have seen Santa (not once, but twice), made cookies and some candy, wrapped presents and of course took some breaks for play time.  I am really excited for Kale this year since he can remember from day to day what he says he wants.  Unfortunately, he also remembers presents we bought for others and doesn't understand keeping a secret.  We had Pollard Family Christmas tonight and he told a couple times what people were opening and has been trying to tell TJ what his present his since we bought it!  Oh well, it is fun to see him so excited and Lane, well Lane is full of energy and likes ripping the paper on presents, especially on other preople's presents and when he isn't supposed to be!
 Kale visiting with Santa in Leonard
 hanging out eating his ring pop after talking to the big guy
 making pretzels with kisses & m&ms on top

 Laner, the monster!
 Hug!...or maybe that's a chokehold
 taking a break to play
our tree with mos of the presents....these are all the presents not just for the four of us :)

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