Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve morning we headed back to Shelbina for breakfast and got to hang out and play a few more games of Scrabble Soup with the Pollard family before going to my mom & dad's to decorate Christmas cookies.  After making cookies we got home in time for Lane to take a quick nap and me to give 3 (very quick) haircuts before heading back to Shelbina.  Afer Christmas Eve service at the Christian Church we headed to Ed & Lola's for Hunolt Christmas.  Of course we ate lots, the kids played games, opened presents, got to spend time with family and Kale even got a phone call from Santa (if anyone knows more about that feel free to let us know)!  After all the fun we drove home just in time for the boys to open their Christmas jammies, change into them, leave Santa some cookies & milk, and get in bed!

 ready for church
 some of the kids piled on Aunt Debbie & Aunt Beth
 the great grandkids
 the cousins
 the Pollard family
the boys opening their pjs

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