Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day

We woke up Christmas morning to find Santa had been to our house and left some goodies for all of us!  Lane actually woke up earliest and we finally decided to wake Kale up, knowing we would be late for lunch if we didn't.  The boys were excited to see a gator in the living room and after playing/climbing on it we opened our stockings and the rest of the presents under the tree.  Then we headed to Middletown for lunch and the big Eckler Christmas at Grandma Barb's & Grandpa Tom's house where we got to visit with lots of family, eat some great food, and open even more presents.

Lane eating a little snack waiting for sleepy head Kale to wake up
Kale peacefully sleeping...when I asked him to guess who had been at our house he smiled and said Santa? before jumping out of bed and running to the tree :)
I think they were excited
driving in the living room

Kale showing off his neck gator
Pollard Boys Christmas morning 2011
Kale's "grinch" face
Pollard Family Christmas 2011
Kale with part of his present from Middletown

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