Friday, December 16, 2011

Great Wolf Lodge

  Last weekend we headed to Great Wolf Lodge in Kansas City, KS for the weekend.  We had a great time swimming, got a little shopping done, a lot of eating, and had fun just hanging out!  Kale loved the water park and jumped on Santa's lap without hesitation!  Lane liked the water too, but was not happy with being put on Santa's lap.  I don't have many pictures because my camera battery was dead when we got there and I started trying to take pictures so I had to charge it and I didn't take it to the water park area the second day. 

 Kale & Lane
 Kale & Kylee
I love how it looks like they are keeping Jack from escaping :) 
 the boys & Santa 
 all 5 kiddos
 family pic on our last day

Before we left on Sunday we asked one of the employees to take a group picture...judging by the attempts captured on my camera we should have asked someone else.... 
 a little blurry, but at least everyone is in it (for the most part) ;)
poor Jeff & Lane got cut out of this one!

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