Monday, December 26, 2011

Eckler Christmas

We opened presents at my parents' house the morning after Christmas and got to hang out most of the day watching a movie and playing with the Wii and other new toys.  Once again we got some great gifts, ate lots, got to hang out with everyone and had a great time.  I didn't get many pictures because my camera fell off the table the night before and part of it that holds the lens on got busted so I had to hold my lens on just right to get pictures!  Nice, right?!?  Oh well, at least it was the last Christmas and now maybe I can get the lens I have wanted since we bought the camera 2 1/2 years ago :)  Anyway, since it was our fourth straight day of celebrating we were all a little tired (and cranky) and left early so we could get home and get some rest.  I think we were all in bed before 7 and didn't have any problems sleeping until after 7 the next morning! 
 Kale opening part of his present from Kyle &!
 Laner opening whatever we would let him rip the paper on

 Kale & Lane's big gift...
 a table & chairs
total chaos after opening presents -Andi, TJ, & Kale in the wrapping paper trash...I'm guessing Cooper is somewhere in the mess too

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day

We woke up Christmas morning to find Santa had been to our house and left some goodies for all of us!  Lane actually woke up earliest and we finally decided to wake Kale up, knowing we would be late for lunch if we didn't.  The boys were excited to see a gator in the living room and after playing/climbing on it we opened our stockings and the rest of the presents under the tree.  Then we headed to Middletown for lunch and the big Eckler Christmas at Grandma Barb's & Grandpa Tom's house where we got to visit with lots of family, eat some great food, and open even more presents.

Lane eating a little snack waiting for sleepy head Kale to wake up
Kale peacefully sleeping...when I asked him to guess who had been at our house he smiled and said Santa? before jumping out of bed and running to the tree :)
I think they were excited
driving in the living room

Kale showing off his neck gator
Pollard Boys Christmas morning 2011
Kale's "grinch" face
Pollard Family Christmas 2011
Kale with part of his present from Middletown

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve morning we headed back to Shelbina for breakfast and got to hang out and play a few more games of Scrabble Soup with the Pollard family before going to my mom & dad's to decorate Christmas cookies.  After making cookies we got home in time for Lane to take a quick nap and me to give 3 (very quick) haircuts before heading back to Shelbina.  Afer Christmas Eve service at the Christian Church we headed to Ed & Lola's for Hunolt Christmas.  Of course we ate lots, the kids played games, opened presents, got to spend time with family and Kale even got a phone call from Santa (if anyone knows more about that feel free to let us know)!  After all the fun we drove home just in time for the boys to open their Christmas jammies, change into them, leave Santa some cookies & milk, and get in bed!

 ready for church
 some of the kids piled on Aunt Debbie & Aunt Beth
 the great grandkids
 the cousins
 the Pollard family
the boys opening their pjs

Pollard Family Christmas

Tonight we headed to Shelbina for Pollard Family Christmas and after some great food we opened (a ton) of presents.  The boys got lots of new toys to play with and are anxious to play with.  We got to watch "Christmas Vacation" or whatever the Chevy Chase movie is of Jason's favorites and play some games before heading home.  The boys were asleep before we got out of Shelbina and didn't even wake up when we carried them in and put them in bed.  Hopefully they get a good night's sleep since our crazy Christmas weekend is just beginning! 
 a quick family photo

 group photo with Grandma Cile
 cousin shot
 the little boys opening their first gift....
 matching camo vests & blaze orange hats
 Lane opening his book from Aunt Les
Kale with his sled- he was pretty excited about it since Rhett had just opened one a little earlier

Getting Ready for Christmas

Wow!  It is officially Christmas Eve and we are completely ready (I think) for Christmas.  We have seen Santa (not once, but twice), made cookies and some candy, wrapped presents and of course took some breaks for play time.  I am really excited for Kale this year since he can remember from day to day what he says he wants.  Unfortunately, he also remembers presents we bought for others and doesn't understand keeping a secret.  We had Pollard Family Christmas tonight and he told a couple times what people were opening and has been trying to tell TJ what his present his since we bought it!  Oh well, it is fun to see him so excited and Lane, well Lane is full of energy and likes ripping the paper on presents, especially on other preople's presents and when he isn't supposed to be!
 Kale visiting with Santa in Leonard
 hanging out eating his ring pop after talking to the big guy
 making pretzels with kisses & m&ms on top

 Laner, the monster!
 Hug!...or maybe that's a chokehold
 taking a break to play
our tree with mos of the presents....these are all the presents not just for the four of us :)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Latchford's Lights

Tonight we headed to Callao with the Pollard family to see Lathford's lights.  They have a huge display of lights that you can drive by and get out and walk thru.  After meeting up and eating some Pizza Hut we bundled up (or wished we would have anyway) and went to see the lights.  Frosty was even there tonight along with Mickey Mouse & Minnie Mouse.

 ready to go
 smiling, but I can't look at the camera because they are too many other things to look at...
 the boys jumped in the "pen" and took a picture with Santa
 Allison & Kale with Frosty
 all four kiddos

Our tree

Today Kale & I put ornaments on our tree and finished it off with candy canes.  Maybe it was decorating mom & dad's tree that put me in the decorating mood, or maybe it was the boxes of ornaments sitting around waiting to be put up that I have looked at for a week and a half, or maybe the hundreds of times I have had to answer Kale when he asked when we could put the candy canes on the tree, but I finally gave up on the idea of it being family time and went ahead and did it during Lane's naptime today.
 putting on an ornament
admiring it :)

Decorating the Eckler tree

I know Christmas is the same day every year, but I swear this year we must have skipped a few days somewhere.  In order to get mom's tree decorated before Christmas we had a week night gathering.  Good thing Kyle lives in MO now! :)  Mom & dad already had the tree cut down and all ready to go in the house so after supper we brought it in and got down to business. 
 Jessi & Coop hanging ornaments
 Brody & Lane playing on the ladder...I remember that is what Kale & Cooper did last year :)

 TJ putting his in just the right spot

 Jason helping the "medium" boys put a couple way up high
I didn't get a picture of the finished tree, but I'm sure I will get some at Christmas