Sunday, November 22, 2009

5 months

Kale turned 5 months old on Friday- I haven't taken any pictures of him yet. I know bad mom, I wanted to take some this morning when he was still in his "church" clothes, but I was also working on lunch and Jason told me he would be 5 months old until December 20th so I had time to get pictures. What an insightful guy!

Kale is really "talking" a lot now and in the last week or 2 has gotten his "motor running". That is what Jason calls it. He really likes to make noise and this morning while Jason & I were getting ready for lunch Kale was playing on the floor. He was really talking up a storm and moving around a lot. Jason came back in from the garage and yelled for me- Kale was on his belly. He finally rolled over from his back to his stomach!! A little while later we were watching and he flipped back over to his back and a few minutes later we looked back at him and he was on his belly again.

Friday & Saturday Jason went hunting in Illinois without any luck...he said it has run out, poor guy :(. Since Jason was going to be gone Kale & I went shopping. I found a few deals, but really was scoping it out for Black Friday. I realized tonight I haven't even been checking out the online ads this year. I started looking tonight though and can't wait to get some Christmas shopping done!

Jason's mom, dad, & grandma came over for lunch and to visit this afternoon. Kale was quite the entertainer, he talked, ran his motor, and was rolling over like crazy- showing off for them :). We had a great visit and are thankful they were able to come for the afternoon. Kale was definitely worn out and went to bed early. Thanks for making the trip over!!

Kale & Great Grandma Cile
Kale with Grandma Lola & Grandpa Ed

1 comment:

Jessi said...

Look at that drool baby! I cant believe he is 5 months already!! Cant wait to see you on Thanksgiving- we will bring the brown peas (if there are any left!)