Monday, November 2, 2009

4 months (and 2 weeks)

Today was Kale's four month check-up complete with shots. He is doing great and the doctor said he isn't having any problem gaining and we can start cereal anytime. We attempted this evening, but Kale wasn't really interested. Tonight may not have been a good time to try something new though...he didn't have a nap this afternoon and he just got three shots so he may have just been ready for bed. In fact, right after we tried cereal he went to bed (at 7:20)!

Everything checked out good at the doctor and he is doing great. He cried more with his shots this time than last, but that could be because it was past time for a nap and we couldn't find a pacifier in the diaper bag! Just as we suspected he is growing and is getting to be a big kid. He weighs 17 lbs 4 oz (75th percentile) and is 25 inches long (50th percentile).

Kale is a happy baby for the most part. He is "talking" more & more and is lots of fun to play with. He is starting to play with toys more and can occupy himself for a while, but really likes to be talked to or even just for someone to be in the room talking, though not necessarily to him. He still fights his sleep and isn't a great napper, but sleeps good at night so still no complaining from us. Kale eats really good and definitely lets you know when he is hungry. He doesn't like to wait for his bottle. He does quiet down a little when he hears his bottle being made or sees it nearby, but if you don't give it to him quick he starts back up. And if you ever have to resituate yourself or do something in the middle of feeding him, get ready because he will not be happy at all!

Kale is still as nosy as ever and does not sit or lay still which is starting to make bath time & diaper changing more interesting :). He is a lot of fun and I'm not sure what we ever did without him!

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