Sunday, November 8, 2009

Great weekend!

We had a great time this weekend hanging out at home (for the most part) and getting a few things done around the house. Jason worked Saturday so Kale & I hung out and cleaned the house for our company Saturday night :). Sunday morning was super nice and after church we headed to Springfield- a short trip to just get a few things. We got home in time to enjoy the afternoon outside- Kale got to swing in the baby swing on our swingset and then play in the leaves. And finally tonight we really had time to try cereal when Kale was not hungry or tired and.....he loved it! I was cracking up with him "slurping" it up. I really didn't think he would do very good since we tried earlier in the week and it didn't happen so I didn't make very much...well I got to hear about it while I was making more :). He is not very patient when eating!

Hangin' out Saturday morning
Standing up in dad's chair Laying in the leaves
Trying to eat them
Fritos & Facebook....what more do you need?!?
Kale took the spoon away from me....
and tried to feed himself
Not the neatest kid the beginning he didn't lose anything, but towards the end he started getting messy


Katie said...

Oh my gosh he has gotten so big! I hope we get to see you guys on Thanksgiving!! Those pics in the leaves are priceless and you should really blow those up and frame them!

Megan said...

Time at home is wonderful! The picture of Kale in the leaves is great! Looking forward to seeing you all very soon! :)

Diana said...

He is so beautiful! Can't wait to see you Thanksgiving or at least some time soon!

Diana said...

He is so beautiful! Can't wait to see you Thanksgiving or at least some time soon!