Monday, April 21, 2008


Jason & I can now say we have survived an earthquake! Friday morning about 4:45 I was shook awake and at the time had no idea what was going on. Jason sat up in bed and when I asked him what it was he told me, "I think it was just some thunder." I knew it was supposed to storm that night, but there was no way it was thunder. I told him I thought it was an earthquake and he said I was crazy. I finally convinced him to go look out the back door- we didn't see anything unusual going on so we headed back inside and Jason said, "It was probably just the house settling, go back to sleep." Later that night I found out that Jason woke up at the very end of the quake and didn't know that the whole house had been shaking. I guess he is a heavier sleeper than me! While I was getting ready for work later that morning Jason called home and told me that it really was an earthquake so I turned on the news and found out that we were survivors! Not that there was any damage or injuries- I saw on one website where a guy from California now living in the area said- that wasn't an earthquake, it was just a little shake. We felt an aftershock at work Friday morning about 10:20, but haven't felt any of the other ones that have been reported.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I must be a deep sleeper like Jason because I didn't feel it! My friends felt it in town though and my brother in O'fallon! CRAZY!