Monday, April 14, 2008

Mom's Birthday

Sunday afternoon we surprised mom with a birthday party. Jessi & I were in a bit of trouble because we wouldn't let mom go grocery shopping while we were in Columbia Saturday. We didn't know how else to keep her from cooking on Sunday. Well, we should have known that we couldn't keep her from cooking since we would all be at her house on Sunday. When Jason & I got to mom & dad's Saturday night after 9:30 she was making potato salad and when I got up the next morning before church she was finishing up a cherry and apple pie. Little did she know Kyle had gotten an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen for her birthday present. Mom was cutting the pie when Kyle brought the cake up and finally understood why nobody wanted any of her homemade pie! Since we had the ice cream cake we all got to take half a pie home! Andi enjoying her piece of cake
Mom & Andi getting ready to blow out the candles Mom opening her gifts- the ones we bought while shopping with her the day before TJ just chillin'

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