Monday, April 14, 2008

Rhett Hunter

We headed back to Missouri on Friday night so we would have a few more hours over the weekend to visit with everyone. We had a busy weekend planned with our first stop scheduled to see our new nephew Rhett Hunter Pollard born on Monday April 7th. Of course we had to stop at Bass Pro on our way back to Missouri Friday night to get him some hunting clothes. Jason also just happened to find a new turkey hunting dvd, Longbeard Madness, while we were there that he just had to have and I convinced him to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings since we were already nearby. We finally made it back to Missouri and got to Jason's mom & dad's in time to visit with them before going to bed. After they went to bed Jason decided he needed to watch his new dvd so we didn't get to bed until 2am. Saturday morning we headed to Macon to see the newest addition to the Pollard Family. We had a nice visit with Justin & Megan and were entertained by Allison. Rhett is a beautiful little baby as you can all see and was an angel the whole time we were there.
Rhett Hunter Pollard
Rhett with his proud big sister & mom
me holding RhettUncle Jason & Rhett Allison reading Jason a story- Justin prompted her on a few pages, but she recited most of the book all by herself.

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