Monday, February 25, 2008


February 3rd Jason had his first litter of puppies at our new home. Ruby had 5 live pups. Three days later one of Jason's other females (Storm) had 7 live pups. During the nights prior to the puppies arriving I'm not sure Jason slept more than an hour at a time. He set his alarm to get up and check the dogs, but I think I am the one that the alarm woke up and in turn I got to wake him. During the past few weeks I think Jason has spent more time outside with the dogs than inside with me! He really loves being outside and piddling around. This winter Jason didn't get to run his dogs much and there aren't very many rabbits over here so we decided to downsize and sold Ruby & her litter as a package deal, but we still have Storm & her 7 pups. Here are a few pics of them.
Storm & her pile of puppies
They have their eyes open now and are starting to move around
Me with one of the pups
Jason with Blaze Jason got Blaze as a puppy when he was 15 (9 years ago)

1 comment:

Megan said...

I can't wait to get home to show Allison Uncle Jason and Aunt Gina's puppies! She'll be so excited!