Monday, September 13, 2010

Sheep Fest

Labor Day weekend is always busy with Sheep Fest activities and this year was no exception! Kale & I headed back Friday so we could help get sheep ready Friday night for the show on Saturday. Jason made it back that evening after his meeting and even got to help get sheep ready :). Saturday we spent all day in Bethel watching Leadline & Mutton Busting and of course the sheep show. Sunday we headed back to Sheep Fest to look around and for the sale and Monday we got to hang out in Shelbina before heading home for a little bit of downtime before the long weekend ended. We were all worn out for sure- Kale slept the entire way home which was awesome and not common for him anymore! I hardly took any pictures...I am telling myself that just shows how much fun we had {or how busy we were during the weekend}! The weather was great and we got to see a lot of our family while we were back and Jason even got some food plot stuff done- yay!
The first event of the weekend...PeeWee Leadline and the only pictures I took the whole weekend {with my camera anyway}!
Kale watching four of our favorite kiddos...
Allison with Alex
Andi with Heartbreaker TJ with Betty
Rhett with Alex

1 comment:

Tanya said...

All the kiddos looked so cute!!