Monday, September 20, 2010

MIZZOU vs McNeese State

Last weekend we headed back to Missouri Friday night so Jason could get some food plot work done Saturday morning before heading to Mizzou's home opener against McNeese State. We got a pizza for supper and stopped in Shelbina to eat it and there was a houseful of people! We were pretty excited to see not only Grandma & Grandpa Pollard, but Uncle Justin, Aunt Megan, Allison, Rhett, Aunt Beth & Uncle Tony. The South Shelby football game got delayed & then postponed because of the lightning so they were all at Ed & Lola's house. We ate & the kids played. I think it was after 11 when we left and Kale was asleep before we knew it.

The next morning we were outside watching Jason piddle around the farm and before we knew it we were late for our tailgate in Columbia! We made it to the game on time and stayed for the first half. It wasn't a real exciting game, but we had a good time. Kale did great sitting on the hill and had fun running at the tailgate at halftime before we headed home. The game started at 6 so even though we left at halftime it was still after midnight when we got home.

A late night for sure and we were all tired the next morning when we had nursery duty at church! I was hoping for an easy day downstairs {last time we only had one little girl & Kale}, but that didn't happen. We had 7 or 8 kids and they were full of spunk! Thank goodness the rest of our Sunday was a lazy day :)

Pollard Family at MU home opener 2010
Kale ready for the game!
he was pretty serious about the game at this point
and still serious
And completely asleep before we got off campus :)

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