Friday, September 24, 2010

First week of Fall :)

This week has seemed super long, but the days are still going by fast. I'm not sure how that works, but I think it is because it has been a waiting game to see if it rains and we are able to go back to Missouri this weekend. Maybe part of it is the weather too. I have been waiting all week for it to cool off and I think the fall weather is finally here {for real this time}!

Kale had his 15 month checkup everything looks great. He weighed 26 pounds, 12 ounces {75th percentile} was 31 1/2 inches long {75th percentile} and I don't know his head measurement, but he is still in the 90th percentile. Dr. Batterman thought he looked great and it was an easy visit until the nurse came back in for his four shots :(. He did not do as well as he has done in the past, but as soon as the nurse left the room he was okay. He just wouldn't let me put him back down on the table. I think the only good thing about shots are how well Kale sleeps after getting them.

He slept in until almost 8:30 Tuesday morning. Then we headed to Mason City for a playdate with Bennett. The kids did great playing together and did a good job of wearing themselves out. We left a little after 11:30 so we could get home for lunch, but Kale fell asleep on the way home and didn't wake up until 1:30 so he had a late lunch anyway! I didn't take many pictures of the kids, but after we took a break inside they were riding in the wagon together and I tried to get a couple of them. They weren't too interested in posing for me though so this is the best I got. Kale & Bennett (she is about a month older than Kale)

We spent almost all morning outside

Yesterday morning we took cinnamon rolls to Jason's work and while I was finishing getting ready I must have said the words 'go' & 'daddy' in the same sentence. When I came back out to the kitchen this is what I found. Kale sitting by the door trying to get his shoes on. He thought he had one and was working on the second!

I'm ready Since we moved Kale to a new room I am slowly getting the last of his clothes & 'stuff' moved. I found these bibs I bought earlier this summer and tried them on to see if they would fit him this winter. I thought he looked cute so I took a couple of pictures. I think they may be a little long

Jason had an extra pair of binoculars so one of them is now Kale's. He tries to copy Jason with almost everything and is getting better with the binoculars. almost got 'em

Ready to go hunting {or looking anyway} with dad

Monday, September 20, 2010

MU vs San Diego State University

Harvest has started over here, but it isn't so crazy that Jason is having to go in for work on the weekends yet so we had another fun day of running this past Saturday. Mason City's Prairie Harvest Days was this weekend and the parade was Saturday morning. Jason & the CPS guys drove in the parade and Kale & I watched and gathered tons of candy. There weren't any other little kids in the area we were standing, but everyone threw at least a handful of candy at us so Kale ended up with a lot of candy!

He really liked picking up the twizzlers. I don't think because they were his favorite, but because they were the biggest. He would pick up a couple of pieces and then take them back to the stroller and throw them in it. Luckily, there were some other people around to help pick up the candy, but I guess Kale looked like he needed it because they all handed it over for him to add to his stash. We didn't go to the park for the fun & games after the parade this year we headed home for a quick lunch so we could head to Columbia!

We met the Belts & Yoders for an awesome "tailgate" at BWW before heading to campus for the game. It was another 6 o'clock game so we only stayed until halftime before heading home. For most of the second half I was glad we didn't stay because it sounded like the Tigers were stinking it up, but they came back for an exciting win! It was another late night, we drove part of the way in the rain, and we got to see the replay on ESPN so I'm still glad we left at halftime :)

Waiting for the parade to start
BIG surprise- I didn't get any pictures after he got out of the stroller

Kale & Cooper hanging out at BWW waiting for our food

walking to the stadium

a quick picture with mom
watching something on the megatron {it must have been pretty cool}
With harvest picking up we probably won't make it to any more games this year so we wanted to squeeze them in before it was too late. I am a little bummed, but I don't think we are going to make it to Homecoming on Oct 23rd, since it is only 9 days before my due date. I guess we shouldn't travel 3 1/2 hours that close to d-day :) I guess we are lucky {& thankful} the Tigers played at home early in the season!

MIZZOU vs McNeese State

Last weekend we headed back to Missouri Friday night so Jason could get some food plot work done Saturday morning before heading to Mizzou's home opener against McNeese State. We got a pizza for supper and stopped in Shelbina to eat it and there was a houseful of people! We were pretty excited to see not only Grandma & Grandpa Pollard, but Uncle Justin, Aunt Megan, Allison, Rhett, Aunt Beth & Uncle Tony. The South Shelby football game got delayed & then postponed because of the lightning so they were all at Ed & Lola's house. We ate & the kids played. I think it was after 11 when we left and Kale was asleep before we knew it.

The next morning we were outside watching Jason piddle around the farm and before we knew it we were late for our tailgate in Columbia! We made it to the game on time and stayed for the first half. It wasn't a real exciting game, but we had a good time. Kale did great sitting on the hill and had fun running at the tailgate at halftime before we headed home. The game started at 6 so even though we left at halftime it was still after midnight when we got home.

A late night for sure and we were all tired the next morning when we had nursery duty at church! I was hoping for an easy day downstairs {last time we only had one little girl & Kale}, but that didn't happen. We had 7 or 8 kids and they were full of spunk! Thank goodness the rest of our Sunday was a lazy day :)

Pollard Family at MU home opener 2010
Kale ready for the game!
he was pretty serious about the game at this point
and still serious
And completely asleep before we got off campus :)

A few Random pictures

We have been keeping pretty busy at our house the last few weeks and been running on the weekends! Kale is 15 months old today and just keeps growing! :) He still eats just about anything, still loves RFD-TV, has a love for Southern Gospel music {I actually have a show saved on the dvr for him} which cracks Jason & I up because he will clap & get up dance to it. He actually loves any kind of music, he will usually drop what he is doing to clap, dance along, or just watch what they are doing.

He eats about anything, but isn't real neat about it!

Kale had his first combine ride about 2 weeks ago when they harvested Jason's plot in Mason City. He loved it and I think he would have stayed in the field all day long if I would have let him! He got to walk through the corn stalks and loved kicking at everything, stirring up all kinds of dust too. Everytime they unloaded corn into the weigh wagon or onto the grain trucks he was in awe and didn't move as he watched everything.

Of course I had my camera, but it was in the car {and I'm not much into walking more than I have to right now} so I didn't get any pictures of Kale on the combine, but we took one of Jason working before we pulled out of the field to go home.

Kale is constantly finding random things to wear and falls in love with them for a few days before moving on to another "trend". One day when we were outside he found these safety glasses and brought them to me. I didn't think he would wear them, but put them on him anyway. He wore them the rest of the day and Jason got a good laugh when he got home. The next day they were still inside and he found them so began wearing them again and when I was going through some clothes I was trying out some stocking hats to see if they would fit him for this fall/winter. When I put this hat on him he ran away and left it on. Since he still had it on when I put him in his high chair for lunch I had to get a picture to show Jason what a nerd his son is :).

I think he is ready to go cut wood!

A big move happened this month too. Kale moved into his new bed in his new room. We decided his old room will just stay the baby room for this next one. The first night he woke up a couple of times during the night and the first couple of days were different for naps, but he is doing great being in a big bed and I can't believe how grown up he is. It is really nice that he can get in bed all by himself and I don't have to lift him in & out of the crib too! Our house is still a mess since this room was our office, and the closet was pretty much a catch-all for lots of "things" that I just don't know what to do with and still don't so they are just being shuffled around for now. I am hoping I hit the nesting phase soon so I can get it all cleaned out & rearranged!

Kale sleeping in his big kid bed- the sad thing is he has truly taken over my sheep blanket and it stays in his room now

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sheep Fest

Labor Day weekend is always busy with Sheep Fest activities and this year was no exception! Kale & I headed back Friday so we could help get sheep ready Friday night for the show on Saturday. Jason made it back that evening after his meeting and even got to help get sheep ready :). Saturday we spent all day in Bethel watching Leadline & Mutton Busting and of course the sheep show. Sunday we headed back to Sheep Fest to look around and for the sale and Monday we got to hang out in Shelbina before heading home for a little bit of downtime before the long weekend ended. We were all worn out for sure- Kale slept the entire way home which was awesome and not common for him anymore! I hardly took any pictures...I am telling myself that just shows how much fun we had {or how busy we were during the weekend}! The weather was great and we got to see a lot of our family while we were back and Jason even got some food plot stuff done- yay!
The first event of the weekend...PeeWee Leadline and the only pictures I took the whole weekend {with my camera anyway}!
Kale watching four of our favorite kiddos...
Allison with Alex
Andi with Heartbreaker TJ with Betty
Rhett with Alex