Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lincoln County Fair

Just a few pictures from Lincoln County Fair this year. Jason, Kale & I headed to Troy Friday afternoon to help mom & dad finish getting a few of the sheep ready. We showed first thing {thank goodness} Saturday morning and were done showing our sheep by noon. We were all worn out and I think even Kyle is getting old :) After watching more of the show and eating lunch, we walked around and rode a few rides before helping load the sheep and heading back to Northeast MO for the night. Jason went to the derby at the Shelby County Fair and Kale & I stayed at my mom & dad's house and went to bed early!
Kale loved his 5 gallon bucket bath {back at the trailer} trying to drink the water
most of the pictures were blurry because he was bouncing up & down almost the whole time

I don't have any pictures of the actual show to post, but I did get some after the Southdown show.

1st place Yearling Ewe
{she didn't get shown last year so she hasn't been named yet}
Attempting to get a picture of the grandkids
Getting her set up
The 4 "Eckler" grandkids with the Yearling Ewe

1 comment:

Megan said...

Love, love, love the pictures of Kale in the bucket!!! The family traditions that are being continued are awesome!