Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Middletown Visit

A couple of weekends ago we made a trip to Middletown and got to visit with both sets of my grandparents. After eating lunch with Grandma Barb and Papa Tom we went outside to see the horses, cows, sheep, & chickens. Kale played hard and we had a great visit with Grandma & Grandpa. After our time there we headed to see Grandpa Tainter & Granny Dot. They don't live far away from each other, but Kale was exhausted and fell asleep on the way there. He didn't wake up when I carried him in and slept on the couch while we all visited. Before we left I tried to wake him up, but did not succeed so we didn't get any pictures with Granny Dot or Grandpa, but we still had a really good visit and I'll try to get some pictures next time!

Jason & Kale petting one of the horses. I can't remember her name though {Blue Jean Lady?} Papa Tom put the saddle on & Kale got to sit on her
Kale & Papa Tom {with Jason holding Kale in the back}
stealing Papa Tom's hat :)
Look at that cowboy. {I know shorts & sandals...what was I thinking?!?}
Kale & Daisy with Grandma Barb
pointing at the sheep & chickens
checking the cows with Dad & Papa Tom
Riding on Grandma's mower

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