Tuesday, July 13, 2010

4th of July

We spent the entire weekend in Shelby County for the 4th of July. We started out the weekend in Shelbina on Saturday with {most} all the Pollards, a great lunch, swimming, visiting, snacks, and a lost tooth :) Sunday after a trip to Paris we spent the day with the Ecklers and had another great lunch, hanging out and sorting sheep in the afternoon! Kale was worn out and in bed early on the 4th so he didn't get to see any fireworks :(. I don't think he minded though! Monday we headed back to Shelbina and got to visit Kale's Great Grandma Cile for a while before heading home. What a great weekend and we were all worn out from playing so hard.
The {little} Pollard cousins (Rhett, Kale, & Allison)
hanging out with Uncle Justin in the pool...sitting in the boat did not last long
Rhett getting ready to jump in
snack time- mmm...cookies
and some chips & dip :)
a lost tooth {a little hard to see, but the bottom one is missing}
riding in the car
hanging out after sorting sheep
getting ready to go watch some fireworks - Kale was already in bed and never did wear his 4th of July shirt
I'm not sure what that face is
Jason, Great Grandma Cile, & Kale

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