Friday, January 1, 2010

Day After Christmas

The last couple of years we have celebrated Christmas at mom & dad's house the day after Christmas when everyone can be there. Since the Belts live so close they opted to stay at home...I can't imagine why!?! Anyway, we all had matching pajamas...Stephanie's brilliant idea to get them Black Friday while we had to take a group picture. Since the Belts didn't spend the night they weren't available for this "early" morning shot. After opening gifts we had lunch and then played Wii (Dad got Mario Cart racing and 2 more controllers so we were able to race 4 people!), Last Word, and some cards. We had great snack food for supper, the kids got to play in all the snow we had gotten, and we got a family picture before the night was over. Kyle & Stephanie spent a lot of the time packing because he was leaving for New Zealand the next day (Steph had to miss because he needed supervision...aka - a boss :)) We stayed in Missouri all day Sunday because neither of us was working on Monday. After Kyle left for the airport we headed to Shelbina for the afternoon and night. Everyone played cards while Leslie and I swapped Christmas pictures and then we went to see The Blind Side (it was great).

Group pic in matching pjs :o) The guys were thrilled...Jason said they looked like lumberjacks so the rest of the morning we called him Paul (Bunyon)

TJ opening a present & Cooper playing with his pig

Kyle & was a late night so Steph needed a little coffee

Kale and his new piggy bank

Jessi & Cooper

Kale hanging out

Andi on her new scooter

The grandkids in the wrapping paper trash...a picture we have taken since Andi's first Christmas

I asked Jason to go put something "nice" on over his gray t-shirt for a family picture. He disappeared for a while and came back out with this on...a suit jacket of Kyle's. Reminded us a little of that part in Tommy Boy... :)

Eckler Family Christmas 2009

Kyle & Stephanie leaving for the airport.....this picture does a good job of showing what the whole morning was like (only Stephanie has a smile on her face- she was a little *stressed*)

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