Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was a long, but exciting day for us. We left home early in the morning to head to my mom & dad's to help decorate Christmas sugar cookies. The Belts came over too and we all had a good time icing and eating the broken cookies. We enjoyed lunch there before heading to Shelbina for the annual Hunolt Christmas. This year it was at Jason's mom & dad's so we got there early to hang out before everyone got there. Santa & Mrs. Clause showed up while we were there so Kale had his first encounter with the big guy and he wasn't bothered by them. He sat on Mrs. Clause's lap just "chewing" on his candy cane (in the wrapper). We left Shelbina to head home (to IL) for church at 11pm. Kale was Baby Jesus and did a great job. He woke up as soon as we got to church and stayed awake during the whole service and talked almost the whole time he was on stage. I think he made everyone laugh and smile and got lots of compliments after the service on how good he was :). We got home a little after did not take us long to get everything ready for the next day so we could go to bed!

Travis, Jason, & Andi icing cookies

Kale hanging out in the jumperoo

Jessi bringing out more cookies

Uncle Justin, Kale, & Allison

Pollard Family picture before everyone arrived

MO Pollard Family

Gaines Family

Hunolt great-grandkids

Kale with Santa & Mrs. Clause

Alexa & Allison with Santa

Leslie with Santa & the Mrs.

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