Wednesday, January 6, 2010

6 months

I can't believe it has already been 6 months (and then some) since Kale was born. Time has really flown and he is growing so fast. I can't believe how much he can already do. He is rolling around like crazy and "scoots" a little. He is really a happy baby and smiles a lot. The only time he really cries is when he is hungry or gets really tired. He likes baby food, but is a pickier eater than we expected.
Today was his 6 month checkup. After 4 shots & 1 oral medication he was wiped out. He cried a little, but by the time we got to the receptionist's desk to make our next appointment he was fine. Everything looked great, Kale is growing and developing just like he should be. He weighed in at 20 pounds, 2 ounces (75th percentile) and is 27 inches long (50th percentile). He sure is a solid little guy and not having any problems gaining :). We are so blessed to have such a good baby. He had been congested a little during Christmas time, but the humidifier has helped. He still gets Vicks Baby Rub slathered on him at night, but has gotten a lot better throught this week.

Here are a few pictures of Kale from his lifetime. He sure has changed, but thing has remained...his crazy hair. I'm not sure it is ever going to lay down in the back! We love him no matter what his hair looks like and as unbelievable as it sounds, I don't remember what it was like without him :)

Kale Alan ~ June 20th, 2009

ready to go home

6 weeks
August~2 months

September ~3 months

October ~4 months

November ~5 months

Christmas tree hunting Dec 09

Christmas 2009 ~6 months

January 1st, 2009


Katie said...

What a happy little guy! Gosh it has gone fast! Hope these next 3 months go fast for me...I'm sure I won't be saying that after she gets here since they grow up out of the newborn stage instantly! Heath said we need to make a Springfield run because he misses kissing his cheeks! I think he thinks Kale is one of his own!

Camissa said...

What a cutie you have! He looks like his daddy...hope you guys are doing well!