Sunday, January 24, 2010

Birthday Weekend

Last Saturday we headed back to Missouri for the day. Lucky for Jason it was close to his birthday and he got two birthday meals out of the trip! We had a great lunch at mom & dad's with Jessi, Travis & the kiddos. Kale's hair was long and out of control so mom helped me... (more like me helping her :)) give Kale got a haircut. He would not sit still for the scissors, but did surprisingly well with the clippers. After the haircut we headed to Shelbina and had another wonderful birthday meal for Jason with Ed, Lola, Justin, Megan, & the kids.

Getting ready to blow out the candles

Opening presents

Before the haircut


Looking at Grandpa Ed's chickens

Hanging out at grandma & grandpa's

More Birthday cake!


Megan said...

It was great to see you! The kids love to see their cousin, Kale! Allison continually reminds me how much she loves Kale because he's her cousin. :)

Tanya said...

What a handsome little guy he is!