Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Pollard Family Weekend

This past weekend Jason's family came to Illinois for a family weekend and we had lots of fun! Justin, Megan, Allison, Rhett came over Friday night and stayed with us. We, of course, stayed up late watching a hunting video Justin brought over. The next morning we got to hang out for a while before getting ready to head to Springfield. We all headed to Kick's, a really cool place. We ate lunch there at the buffet (they had everything) and then played games. There were go carts, bumper cars, and tons of other games at the arcade. After a fun afternoon there we headed to the mall and around town for some shopping. That night back at our house we had a weinie roast. Yes, there was a heat advisory all weekend, but it cooled off a little and we just didn't sit close to the fire. Megan brought a slip n slide over (for the kids I think) and we cooled off in that after eating! Ed & Lola headed for their hotel in Springfield and the rest of us piled in the den to watch "Taken". It was a really good movie, but it was late by the time we got to bed! The next morning we had a great breakfast casserole Megan cooked and then spent some time just hanging out before lunch. Everyone left later that afternoon and I think we were all worn out...I know Jason, Kale, & I were! Here are some pictures from the fun we had. There are quite a few so get your scrolling finger ready!!

Saturday morning Rhett giving Kale kisses and then laughing

Kale just hanging out

Indoor go carts

I'm not sure if Megan won or was a lap down, but she was the first to exit the track :)

Jason & Chase on the bumper "cars"...there were 4, but 2 of them were not working

Les & Chelsey on a roller coaster simulator...I think this was Chelsey's favorite

Allison showing off some of her tickets she won playing games

Ed playing air hockey against Justin...I'm not sure who won that contest

Allison with one of her prizes...a very snazzy headband that she wore all weekend! It matched Sunday's outfit even better!

The Pollard brothers at the mall

Justin & Rhett riding the carousel

Jason & Allison posing with a horse. They actually rode on a bench on the upper level, but I didnd't get a good picture of that

Kale zonked out while the others were riding the carousel

Getting the slip n slide ready

Allison started the fun

Megan & I told her we would play with her so we changed and took our turns

Jason decided it looked like fun and tried it too

and after some persuasion Justin gave it a try!

Jason showing off

I think us 4 "big" kids had just as much fun as Allison, I don't know about Justin & Megan, but Jason & I were actually sore the next day

Hanging out the next morning in the living room

The oldest 3 grandkids did dishes

A picture of all the grandkids...Chase, Rhett, Allison, Kale, & Chelsey

Allison & Rhett lovin' on Kale

Jason & Kale shortly after everyone left our house Sunday afternoon

We had a great weekend and the best part was I didn't have to cook hardly at all and Les & Megan helped with the dishes after every meal so I didn't have to do much the entire weekend, except the laundry after everyone left! Thanks to our fun on the slip n slide I did 3 loads of towels- a small price to pay for all the fun we had though!!!

1 comment:

Megan said...

We had an AWESOME time! Thanks again for everything and the pictures are great! :D