Friday, July 31, 2009

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'

Kale will be 6 weeks old tomorrow and he is changing so fast! A little over 2 weeks ago during "tummy time" Kale got pretty mad and rolled over to his back. I thought it was a fluke and didn't tell anyone, but he did it two more times the next night and has done it a few more times since then. Almost every time we put him on his stomach he flips himself over! He hasn't made any attempts to roll from his back to his belly though- why would he though since he obviously doesn't really like to be on his stomach?!? We don't have a video camera, but I finally took some "action" shots of Kale doing his little trick a few nights ago.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Go, Kale, Go! That's great! We can't wait to see you all next weekend! HUGS!