Monday, July 20, 2009

4th of July weekend

We headed to Missouri for the weekend of the 4th. We had fun hanging out with both sides of the family. We watched fireworks at the Shelbina Lake with Kyle & Stephanie. Kale slept in the Escape- he jumped a little with one of the big "bangs" when I had the door open, but no other reaction from him. We had a good time with all the family as always.

Rhett & Kale

Getting some lovin' from Allison
Snuggling with Aunt Megan
Allison holding Kale

Uncle Justin

Aunt Les

Dad's Father's Day/Birthday present...a shade tree

Aunt Jessi holding Kale

unloading the tree

Kyle & Steph fixing Kale's hair...

into a mohawk!

side view of the mohawk
Kale's first 4th of July
Jason, Allison, & Kale
Grandpa Ed, Rhett, & Justin after a golf cart ride
Kale chilling at home after a busy weekend!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Yippee for some new posts! All the pictures are great! Thanks for sharing! :)