Tuesday, April 7, 2009

'Eckler' girl photo shoot

The last weekend of March we headed back to MO for a long weekend. We got back earlier than expected on Friday and called mom & Jessi on the way back and we had a fish fry. Travis did an amazing job! Kyle was home, all tan from Florida, so we got to see him too! Andi got to spend the night at mom & dad's (her mom survived) and the rest of the Belt's came back up or lunch on Saturday. Jason spent most of the morning out in the woods somewhere! Mom & dad had visitors Saturday morning- the Heinecke's, so we got to see them for a little while too.

Later in the afternoon we headed to Shelbina to see all the Pollard family. We watched the Mizzou game- it was a good game, but not quite good enough! We ate dinner and got to hang out with the whole family. Sunday morning after Jason finished 'playing' in the woods we headed back to Shelbina for some more time at the Pollard house. After lunch we stopped back by mom & dad's. Jason spent some more time in the woods and Stephanie had driven up from Miller so we got to see her and the Belt's had made their third trip for the weekend so we got to see them a little more before we headed home.

While we were at my mom & dad's on Sunday Jessi & I got some pictures together. Thankfully, I didn't get anyh other pictures taken over the weekend. It was actually fun and I got a couple of good pictures thanks to one of our amazing photographers, Jason! He, Travis, & mom were snapping away and like Jessi said on her blog- mom got the good ones. Our due dates are 2 weeks apart

Jessi critiquing Travi's photography skillsA good pic of us sisters without the bellies!

1 comment:

Jessi said...

cute, cute! Can't wait to see you guys again!!