Monday, April 13, 2009

4 weeks!!

No this isn't our countdown to the baby (that is 10 weeks away)- we have a new long before we move!

That's right we are moving. I accepted a transfer to the Mason City, IL production site and we will be moving BEFORE the baby arrives! Mason City is north of Springfield and will be much closer to northeast MO which we are very excited about.

My first day at my new job is set for May 11th which will give me about 6 weeks to work before my due date (and hopefully our kid) arrives! I'm sure the next few weeks are going to fly by since we have lots planned and quite a few miles left to travel, but like I said we are excited and ready for the move!


Debbie said...

Congrats Gina and Jason!!!!

I am very excited for you! It will be so much easier for your family to spoil that new little baby! Good luck with all the moving stuff. At least it will help that most of it is still packed from the last move. Let us know if you are ever passing through our area.

KNiemeier said...

Yay!!! That's so exciting. You'll be close to me here in Peoria. And of course closer to your family. You'll be about an hour from me at Bradley. If you need a babysitter next semester, you'll have to let me know.

Megan said...

Woo Hoo! We're super happy that you'll be closer! :) Things will be very crazy for you over the next few months. We're here and happy to help in anyway! :D