Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mall of America

Last weekend our friends from Iowa, Austin & Mariah, made the trip up to visit. Since there isn't much happening in Redwood Falls, we actually met in the cities and spent Saturday at the Mall of America shopping. We all 4 agreed it was time to leave at the end of the day we were worn out! We spent some time relaxing at the hotel, including a little while at the hot tub. Jason took his swimming trunks along, but Mariah, Austin, & I found comfort in soaking our feet. It felt sooo good!

That night we went to an awesome place to eat that Austin & Mariah had seen on tv. The 5-8 Club, they are famous for their burgers, one in particular, the 'Juicy Lucy'. It is a half pound burger with the cheese on the inside. I got blue cheese and it was so good! There wasn't a crumb left on anyone's plate when we finished- what pigs!

We headed back to the hotel and watched the basketball game (UNC vs. Villanova) and then headed to bed. Sunday morning we spent some time looking around at IKEA and then headed back to the mall for lunch and one more store before we headed home. It was a relaxing weekend and great to see Austin & Mariah.

Jason in the hot tub Mariah & I soaking our feet
Austin & Mariah with their Juicy Lucys
Jason & I at the 5-8 Club
Getting ready to leave the Mall of America

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