Saturday, December 29, 2012

Randomness of December

Later in December we had Tainter Christmas at mom & dad's house.  Of course we had a good meal followed by lots of fun, playing games, opening gifts, and visiting with everyone.
 Kale was pretty excited about his punch balloon
 the great grandkids
 Lane racing on the Wii
We also had plenty of time to just hang out at home, giving the boys lots of chances to break the bean bags in!
 Kale watching tv from his new favorite seat
The Pollards came over one night and the kids had some fun playing downstairs
 We even got to listen to the band :)

The boys' big presents this year were farm sets and a "farm" for them to play on
 they love getting everything all lined up

 I love that the boys get along and can play together (for the most part)!
and just a pic of some bath time fun

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