Tuesday, December 18, 2012

O' Christmas Tree

This year we got to cut our first tree off our own farm!  The boys were all pretty excited to head out one night to find the perfect tree.  Yes, it was after dark, but it was only a week until Christmas so you do what you have to do :)
 All bundled up and ready to go
waiting on the 4 wheeler
Kale found the "perfect" tree right off the bat, but we kept looking until we all agreed on one...
 and finally found one
the boys watching Jason cut the tree down...they brought their own saws along in case they needed to help him
all cut down and headed back to the house
Jason told the boys there might be a squirrel in the tree so they anxiously waited for one to appear (with their guns....just in case)
looking for the squirrels
thank goodness there wasn't one!
the finished tree
and yes, it is in a different location than we originally set it up. 

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