Saturday, December 22, 2012

Pollard Christmas

We celebrated Christmas with the Pollard family a weekend early so we could have more time together and enjoy more than just a couple of hours with everything crammed in.  It makes it nice to spread the celebrating out especially with little kids!
Lane & Uncle Justin waiting for pictures
Grandma Lola & three of the kiddos
can't you feel the joy?!?  I think this sums up how most everyone feels about taking a big family picture most of the time :)  Note...I didn't get a good one when we are finished getting lined up...I still need to beg Megan or Les for one :)
the grandkids....I love Chase's pose in the first one!

family pic 2013
helping pass out presents...Lane pretty much threw all of his to the intended recipient and would then tell them "good catch"
the little elves
Kale with his pile of presents...all smiles
both boys were excited about their own presents as well as each others this year!

Lane modeling his new spider man jammas
and he loved jumping on the trash bag full of wrapping paper
the sisters-in-law

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