Monday, January 17, 2011

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve day is spent making & decorating Christmas cookies at my mom & dad's house and then we celebrate Christmas with the Hunolt side that night.  While we all decorated cookies Jason snuck out to the woods for a while to deer hunt and made it back just in time to get ready for church.  The kids all played some games at Hunolt Christmas after we ate.  Kale was getting tired, but then got his second wind and started running around, spinning in circles, and "jumping" in the living room.  I think he was entertainment for everyone in the room.  I think he was asleep before we even backed out of the drive so getting him in bed so Santa could come was no problem!

Christmas Eve waiting to ice cookies

Lane's first Christmas

Kale loved Andi's new purse...thanks Travis for capturing this picture for Jason :)

Jason's Christmas Eve kill

Christmas Eve 2010

playing a game, I'm not sure what it was called, but the girls loved it and Kale & Rhett participated {sort of :)}

Lane in one of his favorite spots...Aunt Megan's arms :)

the young Hunolt great-grandkids...Allison & Lane are hidden behind Kale

in bed and ready for Santa to visit

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