Sunday, January 23, 2011

Brotherly Love

Kale & Lane are growing fast and changing all the time.  Kale is starting to "talk" a lot more and we can understand some words and think we know what he is talking about sometimes.  He loves going outside, climbing on everything inside to look out the windows, and now can open most of the doors in our house.  The other night we found him in the garage feeding Daisy so we have started locking that door.  A couple of nights later I heard something and found him with his play hammer beating on the door handle trying to get it open!  Lane is still a good baby.  He takes a couple of naps, but is awake a lot more during the day.  He is pretty happy baby {most of the time} and still has crazy hair, just like his brother :)  The boys take a bath together and they both love bathtime.  Lane still is in his little bathtub and we have to watch Kale because he likes to try and splash him. 

I was a little slow getting these pictures, but they are just a few days after Lane turned 2 months old.  He is growing up and really is a happy baby!  I think I took pictures of Kale everyday when he was a baby and definitely don't take near as many of Lane, but am trying to do a better job since he is changing so fast!

and of course one with his big brother :)

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