Monday, November 8, 2010

Pollard Family Visits

Sunday morning the boys & I got to make another trip to Springfield for repeat bloodwork- everything came back good so no more tests for Lane (for jaundice anyway).  After a couple of mixups at the hospital and waiting in the emergency room we headed home to a house full of company and food!  Jason's mom, dad, grandma, Justin, Megan, Allison, & Rhett came over to visit and brought us lunch, tons of dessert, and frozen food for the next week. {Thanks Everyone!}  Jason even took off work to come home and hang out with everyone :).  We had a great lunch and good visit- Kale & Lane got lots of lovin' and loved all the company.  Thanks again for everything!!
Aunt Megan holding Baby Lane

Lane with Allison

Rhett & Lane

Kale opening his present.  He was a good big brother & opened Baby Lane's too

Lane with Great-Grandma Cile

Uncle Justin
After some play time outside we had some trick or treaters show up.  Kale was crashing & in need of a nap so we didn't make him get dressed, but I got some pics of the other two kiddos!
Rhett aka "The Big Buck"

Allison- a beautiful butterfly

Justin- "The Great White Hunter" showing Rhett what a buck does!

We even found a rub on the tree in our front yard :)

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