Thursday, November 18, 2010

More Visitors

We had more visitors the first weekend of November.  Kyle came and spent the weekend with us, it was nice since Jason worked all weekend to have someone to visit with :).  We were sad to hear he was going shopping Saturday morning and leaving us, but he brought back some cool stuff so we weren't mad :)  Sunday we went to church and had lots of visitors to our pew after the service.  We made it home just in time for Kayla & Brenda to stop by for a little while to see the boys & visit.  I know it was a long drive for such a short visit so Thanks for coming!!  Jason got home from work early Sunday evening and all our visitors were gone so we got a little relaxing time as a family of four. 

Lane - 1 1/2 weeks old

the face Kale makes when telling you what a pig says :)

Uncle Kyle & Baby Lane

Kale loving on Lane

Just chillin' in the bouncy chair

Kale has started "cheesing" for the camera

Kayla & Baby Lane

Kale, Kayla, & Lane

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