Sunday, November 7, 2010

Coming Home

Friday morning Jason headed home to go to work so my mom & Kale came to eat lunch & hang out with Lane & me until we got released to go home.  Kale loved on Lane and enjoyed running around the room again while we waited to be discharged.  Jason came back to pick us up since you don't get to take a baby home from the hospital every day :).  After getting my drugs and Jason some food Jason took us home and headed back to work :( .  Kale was already asleep, but when he woke up he was not super excited to find me holding Lane.  I think it was a combination of still being tired & maybe a little bit of jealousy.  Once he got some milk he was fine, but was a little concerned later that night when Jason got home and held Lane.  He was pretty quick to climb up on Jason's lap so Lane didn't get alone time with his daddy!  Since that first day he hasn't acted jealous and seems like his little brother- I just hope the love continues :)

brotherly love :)

Baby Lane with mom & dad

Pollard Family

Baby Lane loving his car seat...or maybe not

ready to go home!?!?

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