Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Root Beer Making

Sunday morning we headed to church in Macon to watch Allison sing along with the other little ones during the service. She did a great job singing and looked super cute, but I didn’t take my camera in…so no pictures. After church we drove to my mom & dad’s for lunch and the afternoon. Andi & TJ got to open a gift early- a root beer making kit. Luckily I checked it out before Christmas to see that it takes 1 day -2 weeks for it to be ready so they opened it early and we made root beer after lunch so it will be ready to drink at Christmas. We had to take a break during the beginning and when we got back to work TJ was asleep so Andi & I (with Grandma Mari’s help) finished up the root beer. Hopefully it turns out okay, but if not Jessi says there is always back up in the basement (aka A&W in a can)!

opening the Root Beer Kit

Showing off our labels

Kale & Grandma Mari watching

Making root beer & a mess....we had to move to the kitchen sink

Bottling the root beer

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