Tuesday, December 1, 2009

More pics from Thanksgiving weekend

We spent the entire Thanksgiving weekend in Missouri and got to spend lots of time with family. We were all worn out when we got home Sunday night, but had a great time. Friday night & Saturday morning we got to hang out at mom & dad's playing Wii with Steph & Kyle. TJ's big birthday bash was Saturday afternoon and after that we headed to Shelbina. Chelsey & 2 of her friends decorated the Christmas tree downstairs at Ed & Lola's house and then headed to the movies. Jason & I questioned her about her boyfriend before and Jason actually took the girls to the movie theater. He acted like he was going to park & go in just to tease them a little. Instead he & Les made a quick run to Macon to get a tree for Les' house so she & Chelsey could get it decorated! Sunday was a lazy day as I went to a Mary Kay Open House while the boys rested. We made a stop at Les' house before heading home later in the afternoon.

Kale looking worn out in his Turkey Day pjs

Jordan, Chelsey, & Jessi Mae- the decorators

Chelsey & Kale in front of the tree

what a poser!?!?!Kale & Aunt Les

Les getting Kale

getting big!

1 comment:

Jessi said...

You guys were busy! Hopefully next time we get to see you a little longer! I guess I will just have to go shopping with you guys next year huh?! :)