Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Too slow :(

I was too slow to get a picture of Kale in his Halloween outfit tonight. He didn't make it home from daycare in his "My First Halloween" onesie and sorry Jessi- I didn't do laundry and redress him :). Tonight was a lazy night...I was home before 6:30, we had frozen pizza for supper, I think I might be in bed before 11 and I didn't even bring work home with me!!! Jason did get the yard the dark :). We are definitely looking forward to this weekend and relaxing a little! Even though he isn't in any Halloween clothes I thought I would post a couple pictures of baby Kale anyway.
Chillin' on the floor while I was talking to Aunt Jessi. Kale thought I was talking to him and kept smiling at me & talking back...or maybe he was trying to talk to her

Doing his stretches- he has started playing with his feet more especially when he doesn't have pants on

1 comment:

Jessi said...

Speaking of looking like his momma- check out those legs! hahaha- you deserved that after the mouth comment. But I will clarify I am talking about your legs when you were a baby not now! lol :)