Monday, October 26, 2009

Our little pumpkin!

This past weekend Jason went back to Missouri to deer hunt and Kale & I stayed home. Well....we stayed in Illinois anyway. Saturday afternoon we headed to Springfield, picked up Megan & went shopping for the day! We had a great time and were both worn out. The best purchase was the jumperoo we got for Kale. It is just like an exersaucer only with springs holding it up so he can bounce. Kale barely touches the ground, but really likes being in it. He is changing and getting sooo big. He is already past 4 months and we are anxiously awaiting his 4 month checkup next week!

When we went south a couple of weekends ago Kale got lots of "new" clothes from Carter. His closet has definitely filled up with the clothes from the Brooks' and clothes that Rhett lets him use he grows too- thanks Megan & Shellie :). Kale now has enough Halloween outfits that we are going to have the 7 days of Halloween at our house...starting today!

Our little pumpkin! This is what I found when I got home from work tonight...Kale & Jason hanging out watching SportsCenter
I had to get a picture with our baby too :)
A picture of Kale playing in his jumperoo
I love his face in this picture!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Cute pics! You'll love the Jumperoo. It's so much fun to watch the kids in it, especially when they get excited! Justin and I really like the last picture. Kale's face is priceless!