Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wedding & Weinie Roast

Last Saturday Kale & I headed to Washington, MO with my mom for a wedding. Congrats Courtney & Mary! The ceremony started at 11 so we left early that morning to head down there. The wedding (what I saw of it) was great! Jason had my camera for his adventure last weekend so I only got a couple pics with mom's camera.

Kale sleeping on mom's lap at the reception

Courtney & Mary sharing their first dance

Courtney sang to Mary, so sweet :)

After the wedding we headed to Paris for a birthday party weinie roasat for my cousins Kelly & JT. Happy Birthday Kelly Lynn & John Thomas!! But first mom & I stopped in Warrenton at the outlet mall and bought a few things at Carter's :).

We made it to the party and had a great time. It felt so good to sit by the fire, the roasted marshmallows were great, and I finally got to see the Heinecke's new house!

Kale with his Great Aunt Nanny

In his full wedding attire since I didn't get a picture of him earlier in the day

I finally got to hold Cooper :) He is getting soo big!

Jessi & the angelic I love this picture, I think mom captured TJ just right

The kiddos with Kelly blowing out her candles


Megan said...

Super cute picture of Kale in his wedding attire! The pic of Jessi & TJ is great, too!

Jessi said...

Love the pictures and update blog- I need to get around to that!!

That is a good picture of you and Cooper- except it totally looks like he has wild hair since Carylle Ann is in the background, lol!