Monday, October 26, 2009

October 17-18

A couple of weekends ago we headed south to Hoyleton, where we used to live, to spend the weekend with Jake, Shellie, & Carter. Jason & Jake worked together when we lived in southern IL and they are both originally from the area where we live now. Jason & Jake went deer hunting and Shellie & I got to hang out at the house with the boys. Carter wasn't too sure of Kale at first, but then was all about sharing toys.

Just a couple of pics I took while we were down there...I am guessing there will be more photos the next time we are together!

Carter being a little poser!
Kale decided to look at the camera, but Carter decided he was more interested in lamby We had a great time while we were down there and Sunday morning after we left we drove down to Ashley to see another "old" friend and went by the old house. We only lived there for 13 months, but it was still kind of sad to drive through our old town & see our first home together. We definitely don't miss the drive back to Shelby County through St. Louis though!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Sounds like you had a fun time visiting friends. Hopefully, you'll get to do that more often!