Monday, July 20, 2009

Eckler Boys Visit

One day when we were at mom & dad's the Eckler boys came up to work with their lambs. They then helped with chores and as Preston would say "had fun".
Finishing up chores

The next pictures are mostly of the "having fun" part...I thought Katie should see what the boys were really doingPreston got out the pogo stick and was pretty goodHe wasn't the only Eckler "boy" to try it out

Uncle Harold had to prove he could jump on it
then Uncle Heath proved he was cool too
Corby trying his hand at it
Quin made friends with Lucky and showed us all his teeth

1 comment:

Grandma said...

I really liked your pictures of doing chores. I didn't realize that Harold and Heath could work a pogo stick. Th one of Quin and Lucky was the best one tho. He isn't afraid of anything or it didn't show with Lucky.