Sunday, May 31, 2009

Flowers & Landscaping

This weekend we finally started trying to get all of our flowers & landscaping under control. This is definitely going to take a lot of our time this summer to get everything figured out and keep it looking nice. When Jason was mowing earlier in the week, I went outside to get something and started weeding around the gazebo...he finished and I was still weeding. I kept at it for a little while, but then gave up and told him I needed my mom to come help. There is just tons to do and I really didn't know what to pull and what to leave in many places!

Luckily, she & dad were able to come over today and work outside with us and Jason didn't have to work so we were all able to work on the yard. We made a huge dent, but there is still a lot to do. I feel better though- we at least have a plan for what still needs to be done around the backyard. Part of the problem is the bugs are so bad in the backyard that we are going to have to spray something before we can do much work in the very back bed.

Mom & dad got to our house around 11 and we started in the front. I'm sure our neighbors were beginning to wonder if we would ever do anything out there! Jason made us a quick lunch and that is the only time we sat down or were in the house (except for bathroom breaks)! Jason was actually planning on painting, but we all 4 ended up outside all afternoon pulling weeds! Mom & dad left around 4:30, I headed inside to rest (update our blog finally) and Jason stayed outside to mow the yard.

Like I said we got a lot done, but you can't tell everything from the pictures. I tried to do before & after shots, but I didn't do a great job of getting similar shots for comparison. I will definitely work on that for future projects.

The front flower bed along the road- before
not completely finished, but the after shot for today
The front of the house- please note...I did more than just take pictures
The side of the house along the drive- before
after- for now
in front of the shed- before
after- for now
one of the side flower beds on the road side - after (no before pic)
bed along the backside of the house- after (no before pics)
The back bed that we are waiting on...I think it is the worst!

1 comment:

Megan said...

It all looks very nice! We are excited to come visit sometime this summer.