Sunday, May 3, 2009

Last weekend in MN

This weekend was our final one in Minnesota. After an afternoon at the driving range yesterday and going to listen to a local band last night we finally started packing what we needed for the next few nights and cleaning our apartment today. We are finished (almost) and are now counting down the hours before we head out.

The movers will be here at 8 tomorrow morning to pack! They are going to load everything tomorrow also, so we will be heading to Missouri tomorrow night (hopefully not too late) and be there until Wednesday morning when we head to Illinois to close on our house! Everything is going great so far and we are still on schedule to close Wednesday so only a few more days.

Our internet won't be connected until the 12th so it will be a while before there is a new update from us! Here's hoping to nice weather the next few days and Jason to have good luck turkey hunting Tuesday & Wednesday morning!

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